Author: Papiya Dutta
Does Tea Stain Your Teeth Project
Drinking a regular cuppa of tea is an enjoyable experience for many at dusk and dawn, not to mention at regular intervals during the day, little knowing a bitter fact that the popular beverage entitles you to. Our science fair experiment tries to show you just that. It is important to gather all background information…
Paper Tower
An engineering challenge that tests you on the knowledge of basic scientific facts is fun to take up in school. Add to that the thrill of a contest and icebreaking with new batch mates. Before you get busy in your efforts, arm yourself with this easy tutorial and tips to get your team noticed and,…
How to Build a Hovercraft
Riding on a hovercraft is something that many kids fantasize about. Turn their dreams into reality by getting them involved in this easy science project that utilizes household items. Learning the basics of thrust and propulsion in Physics comes as a bonus. Since the DIY involves working with electricity, adult supervision is a must.
Does Music Affect Plant Growth
Though it is still a debatable topic, experiments conducted all over the world indicate that music can affect plant growth. While soothing classical music, Beethoven, Brahms have been seen to help in stimulating growth, certain other music hindered their growth rate. Here is an experiment that can help you in the research and arrive at…
Electrolysis of Water Experiment
The purpose of the simple experimental setup described here is to demonstrate the electrolysis of water. Proper knowledge on the chemical composition of water will help school children achieve the aim of the project and comprehend the associated theory.
Potato Clock or Potato Battery
The potato clock science project teaches students the principle behind the working of a battery. The experiment is an ideal one to be performed at science fairs to invoke curiosity in kids on the science behind current and electricity. It is good to have some background information on the traveling of current from the positive…
Bread Mold Experiment
This biology experiment requires you to gather some background information before starting with the research. Once you know what the organisms called molds are, understanding the activity would be easy.
Color Changing Flowers
Flowers that change color make an interesting science fair project for kids to understand the method by which plants absorb their food and water from the ground. The magical color change of white flowers is going to leave the young minds awestruck. However, once they know the reason behind it, it will seem to be…
Magic Balloons Experiment
Blowing up balloons is a common activity with kids when it comes to birthdays, parties or school programs. Did you know there is a fun and scientific method that can ease their efforts in inflating them by the dozens? Welcome to the details of this exciting science fair activity that is going to be an…