Category: Science Fair Projects
Rubber Band Car
Rubber band cars teach the basic concepts of Physics to kids by way of constructing a fun toy car. Moreover, they get to know the tricks of automobile functioning and design through this activity. The requirement of simple tools enables its construction at home.
Balloon Rocket
The balloon rocket is a great science experiment for kids to grasp the concept of force and energy. By involving in this activity, they also garner a lot of fun as it enables them to build their own balloon-powered rockets, something that is no less than an exciting toy.
Paper Bridge
The experiment allows kids to learn the basic concept of forces in physics in a very interesting way. Bridges are something that kids come across every day. The strong constructions that maintain mammoth loads on a daily basis. They should not crumble under pressure, lest they create havoc. The same criteria are applicable for bridges…
Celery Experiment
This easy science project is as good to be done with preschoolers and kindergarten kids, as with grown up children in the lab, or at science fairs. It is a great activity to make the concept of how plants get their nutrition from the soil clear to the young, ever-inquisitive chaps. Remind them to keep…
Tea Bag Rocket
Here is a visually effective procedure that will help kids grasp the basic convection current phenomenon in physics. Adult supervision is a must for the homemade rocket.
Floating Eggs
You must have observed that when we lower eggs into normal tap water, it sinks to the bottom. Can you make an egg float? Yes, you can. You will find how in the below science project.
How to Build a Faraday Cage
A Faraday Cage is a solid or mesh covering made out of a conducting material that protects your electronic devices from electromagnetic disturbances. You can make it cheaply with minimal supplies. Being portable, it offers you an easy option to keep your sensitive electronic devices safe. How does a Faraday Cage Work When a Faraday cage…
How to Build a Popsicle Stick Bridge
A popsicle stick bridge project is perfect for acquainting your kids with the basic physical forces like tension and compression while building mini replicas of the ever useful structures of our daily commute. It is an excellent idea for a science project and fairs, not to mention the highly engaging contests kids love to participate…
Egg in a Bottle
The egg in a bottle is a cool science fair idea. Other than providing an insight into the fundamentals of Physics, it makes for a thrilling trick too. However, since it deals with fire, adult supervision is a must for the project.